Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Golden Gate Bridge

Balancing on that red thin rope

Imagining myself as a clown

Wish I could go back

to the Past

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Introducing a Book!

<The Selfish Gene>

This book "The Selfish Gene" was published

in 1976. At that time this book was a

sensation to the field of Biology. For what

the author Richard Dawkins argued was

completely different than what was

generally believed in that society at that


To summarize the approach Richard Dawkins took is simply a new perspective; to look at

the matter at a very small scale, in this case genes.

Richard tried to explain the whole phenomenon of the biological society from the scale of

genes. He believes that everything that is happening around this world is due to the

selfishness of individual genes.

For example, the scenes where we see the same species helping each out such as

relation between mother and child. On the surface this might look far away from

selfishness. For they are helping 'others' not themselves. But this is where Richard

Dawkins throws the question. "Are they really 'others?'" The answer is ; "no"  By looking

from the perspective of genes the genes of the same species especially the one that are

directly connected is the same. By helping 'others' ultimately it is the same act as helping


Like this Richard elaborates his own analysis of how he interpreted the ecosystem

through the lens of his 'gene' point of view.

Even though 30 years have passed this <The Selfish Gene> is still in the bestseller lists.

There got to be the reason for this. The reason is that his theory developed 30 years ago

still have some points that could be further elaborated in the 21th century. So to put it

into a nutshell, everyone whether they are interested in biology or not could not miss the

chance to read this fascinating book of Richard's!

Recommending Movie !! JARHEAD!


This movie made in 2005 is said that it is the closest thing the ordinary people got in order to get a realistic look into the marines life in the army.

And as stated it was one of my favorite military movie I have ever seen. The way the soldiers behave to the officers and how they spoke to each other was so real that it almost seemed that the actors were actual soldiers fighting in Iraq. 

Most of the military movies often focus on the main mission given to the team of soldiers . The factor that is unique about this movie becomes eminent here. In this movie the story line is not focused on accomplishing the mission, rather it is more focused on describing the military life as real as possible. Thankfully it worked.

To rephrase one more time, I had a great time watching this movie and I hope that my post readers would take my advice to watch it themselves and feel the amusement and a bit of touching moments at the end!

Thank You !

Friday, June 14, 2013

My Interest Biology Experiment - 3

The name of the experiment : Pigment Chromatography

1. What is Chromatography?

-> The basic meaning of Chromatography means the method used in laboratories in order to separate different mixtures. How this works is using the time difference for different mixture to climb up a certain material.
So by plunging the material used for chromatography into a certain liquid and dabbing the mixed mixture at the bottom the liquid begins to climb up the material. In addition to this phenomenon the dabbed mixture begins to climb also with each differential speed. So in the end after waiting long enough  until there is no more climbing, we can see that the mixtures have been separated due to the differential time needed for the mixture to climb.

2. Experiment No.1

< White Royal Azalea >
- Collect five blossoms of this flower
- Remove the pistil, stamen, and calyx and grind the remaining flowers.
- Add in some liquid with the mixture of 1 : 3 ratio to Aceton and Methanol and mix it well
- Extract the liquid mixed with the ground flower and put it in a centrifuge.
- After the centrifuge, extract the liquid and dab it to your material for Chromatography.
- Place the material into a substance and wait.
- After a while examine it withe bare eyes.
- After that examine it with ultraviolet light.

3. Experiment No.2

< Reddish Royal Azalea >
- Collect five blossoms of this flower
- Remove the pistil, stamen, and calyx and grind the remaining flowers.
- Add in some liquid with the mixture of 1 : 3 ratio to Aceton and Methanol and mix it well
- Extract the liquid mixed with the ground flower and put it in a centrifuge.
- After the centrifuge, extract the liquid and dab it to your material for Chromatography.
- Place the material into a substance and wait.
- After a while examine it withe bare eyes.
- After that examine it with ultraviolet light.

4. Experiment No.3

< Yellow Daisy >
- Collect 5 blosom of this
- This time removing the pistil, stamen, and calyx is impossible for the parts are all too small.
- Add in some liquid with the mixture of 1 : 3 ratio to Aceton and Methanol and mix it well
- Extract the liquid mixed with the ground flower and put it in a centrifuge.
- After the centrifuge, extract the liquid and dab it to your material for Chromatography.
- Place the material into a substance and wait.
- After a while examine it withe bare eyes.
- After that examine it with ultraviolet light.

5. Analyze and Conclusion

1) Royal Azalea has some highlighting pigments in it's components .
2) On the other hand Daisy doesn't have the factor needed to light up the chromatography in the ultraviolet light.


<Things that could have been improved>

1) Taking a more careful attention to the amount of liquids used in the experiment in order for the experiment to have more higher accuracy.


Thursday, June 13, 2013



June 13 2013 crossover won the gangwon athletics competition 2 times in a row since 2012

<The results>

The quarterfinals
횡성 : 양양
49 : 12 Win  

횡성 : 영월
56 : 40 Win

횡성 : 정선 
50 : 24  Double Score!! 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

To the DMZ......

  Today I had a very unique and special experience. I was actually able to go into the 'citizen restricted area' in the DMZ. The reason I was able to go into this zone was because from this year I am participating a NGO group's project which is to study the environmental society  in the DMZ. 

  So what is DMZ and what is so special about it? 

  The Korean Demilitarized Zone(DMZ) is a strip of land running across the Korean Peninsula that serves as a buffer zone between  North and South Korea which runs along the 38th parallel north. the DMZ cuts the Korean Peninsula roughly in half, crossing the 38th parallel on an angle. With the west end of the DMZ lying south of the parallel and the east end lying north of it. It was created as part of the Korean Armistice Agreement between North Korea, the People's Republic of China, and the United Nations Command forces in 1953.

 rephrase this DMZ(Korean Demilitarized Zone) is a kind of a belt that penetrates the Korean Peninsula from West to East roughly around the 38th parallel on the angel. This zone acts as a buffer between the North and the South  giving the each side time to notice and prepare for one side tries to start a war.  The basic structure of this zone is shown by this picture. 

  So now we know about what this DMZ is what is the fuss with this? The answer for this question
 requires a bit of historical knowledge about the Korean War. The Korean War started in 1950 and was ended in 1953. The part where we have to focus on is the year this war ended ; 1953. So this DMZ was established in 1953 and for 60 full years any human activities was restricted leaving this strip of land untouched of any human company. In this 60 years this zone was able to recover their original state while the other parts of the world was being destroyed by us humans. For this reservation this zone is in a very subtle position in both political and environmental state. This also serves as  a reason why we are doing a research project here. 

  Due to the fact that today was the first trip to this Zone we didn't start right onto the research but had a look around this DMZ. Tasting the
 atmosphere of the surrounding environment. During this tour I was astonished to see so many creature living in this environment and was able to really feel for myself how much environment destruction have progressed in our society. 

  The teachers(?) at there told us that we only brimmed the surface of the whole yet. I'm so excited and looking forward to the next investigation already!  :)

Monday, June 3, 2013


Topic : The 21st century has begun. What changes do you think this new century will bring? Use examples and details in your answer.

131052 노형석(Roh Hyung-Seok)

  Immortality. This simple concept has grasped the whole attention of the human race for a long time and is still motivating us to move forward. As a matter of fact this longing for a longer life is actually paying off. The average life expectancy today has considerably risen than the past. However the human race in the 20th century have faced some kind of barrier which have been unable to overcome ; blocking them to reach higher to the level where the average age of death would be three digit numbers. However now in the 21th century we have finally found the key which would humble these barriers ; iPS Cells and Nano technology.

  Ninety percent of all the disease occuring around the globe is due to the malfunctioning of particular genes in stem cells. For it is the stem cells that replicate the particular cells suited for a particular function. Therefore the stem cells have been the target for many biologists since its discovery. Originally there has only been two types of stem cells ; embryonic stem cell and adult stem cell. However a new kind of stem cell called the iPS cell has been discovered recently by Shinya Yamanaka, a scientist. To briefly introduce the basic concept of this iPSC(induced Pluripotent Stem Cell), it is  a stem cell with select features from both embryonic stem cell and adult stem cell. While the embryonic stem cell brought about human right issues and adult stem cell research show too slow progress, the iPSC is a stem cell which the transcription are reversed. In this way this iPCS has the possibility to become any organ while keeping the human right issue off the table. By this, diseases serious such as Leukemia and AIDS become theoretically curable.

  Nanotechnology is also a rising subject of study these days. Even though through the invention of iPSC we have found the way to cure diseases so called "incurable diseases". The progress of implanting the iPCS in exchange for the malfunctioning stem cell is still a challenge with sheer chance of success with the old technologies. This is where the nanotechnology comes in. Able to control robots in a nanometer scale the precision in which the robots could substitute the stem cell would be much more accurate than before thus saving precious time and resources. Furthermore by injecting nano-sized robots into the blood vessel of the human body us humans could get a daily feedback about your health status. Enabling you to take early actions to whether to cure or prevent certain diseases

  In conclusion, the presence of human life is the most important factor valued in the 21th century. For without life there are no reason whatsoever to chase after other different changes for you will not be there to enjoy it. So through this two technology ; iPSC and Nanotechnology it has allowed us to take one step towards immortality. And this is the change I believe would have the most important impact to the human society in the 21th century.